Cyrus has been really getting his name out lately. Here is another short interview with the man about who he is. Funny that he works with Arcadia. That giant spider is an awesome thing.
Cyrus has been really getting his name out lately. Here is another short interview with the man about who he is. Funny that he works with Arcadia. That giant spider is an awesome thing.
Over on Bloomberg an article has been published that is very critical of the Once Upon A Time In Shaolin album. Through interviews with Killa Sin, Shyheim & the manager of U-God a reconstruction is attempted of the making of OUATIS. Echoed by these people is the sentiment that this started out as a new record for Cilvaringz, and not a Clan record. Besides that, many of them fell hurt & disrespected by the scheming around the recent release of the project. It’s a nice read to add to the ever revolving saga around this concept album.
Someone took it upon him- or herself to bless the masses with this collection of snippets from the infamous album. As you can hear, the audio is not the best of quality. This may in fact hurt more to the ears and legacy of the album itself, than do it good. Who wants to hear 64kpbs audio in 2017? It is almost like this album was sponsored by RealPlayer.
Anyway, enjoy these snippets. This may well be the only thing you may ever hear from the album of the people you supported through all these years.
In a move that that propably surprised many, Shkreli has seen taken a new approach to the revaluation of art as an artform. As of now you can publicly place a bid on the much sought after album on eBay. At the moment of writing, the current bid is US $1,000,200.00. A quite interesting turn of events since the orginal bidding started at US $ 100,000.00. The auction will be open untill 16th of september, if nothing happens in between.
edit: not my best writing
October the 13th 2017 will bless us with another Wu-tang Clan album. The title of the album is Wu-Tang: The Saga Continues. (Not to be confused with Puffy’s 2001 release.) The album is headed by DJ Allah Mathematics with RZA on the executive duties.
For years, Math has had the idea of putting together a body of music using modern and legendary equipment such as ASR10 with vocal performances by Wu-Tang Clan members and other prominent MCs. With The Saga Continues he’s created a masterpiece. We at 36 Chambers ALC are honored to work with Mathematics and Wu-Tang Clan to put out a great piece of art.
Last month Wired also dropped an article on the sale of the Once Upon A Time In Shaolin Album. They gave it the interesting title Remember When Martin Shkreli Bought That Single-Copy Wu-Tang Clan Album? Almost as if the album was forgotten about after the fact. Mostly due to the antics of Shkreli, who opened up about the pharamaceutical business like no other before him. And gave us a much more interesting view in how all these companies know how to rip off patients, and hide from it. He wasn’t having any of the latter. Well Wired also published an excerpt of the book, with the most interesting tid bit of sale ever:
Mindful of the fact that only two people in the world had heard the whole thing, we couldn’t risk the buyer listening to the full two hours, then saying no thanks. So we hammered out a skipping scenario where he could listen to ten seconds in the beginning, middle, and end of each track to make sure the audio was all on there.
Did anybody say used car sales tactics?
Remember when the internet lost its mind over something in the contract of Once Upon A Time IN Shaolin with Bill Murray. Like so often, nobody actually fact checked it. And thus another myth was born. This was off course not helped by the silence from the party selling it.
Some of these things might be cleared by the release of a new book. This will detail the whole business deal and how fans got srewed out of hearing the music they love, adored and supported to through the trials & tribulations of the Wu-Tang. Reading the excerpt from the book, it looks like this will be a quick cash grab, at the long tail of the interest in the book. While Shkreli is still in the news. But other than a few interesting facts, be prepared to be dissappointed on a literay plane. Just like this album let the fans down.
…an interested observer online tweeted a (false) quote from a (falsified) contract that claimed to show the (entirely bogus) clause that allowed Wu-Tang Clan and/or Bill Murray — a real-life acquaintance of RZA’s — to steal the album back. As sometimes happens with false tweets about bogus clauses in falsified contracts, the media picked up the story and reported it as if it were real. “I don’t think Bill was ever even aware of the album,” says Bozorgmehr.