Last month Wired also dropped an article on the sale of the Once Upon A Time In Shaolin Album. They gave it the interesting title Remember When Martin Shkreli Bought That Single-Copy Wu-Tang Clan Album? Almost as if the album was forgotten about after the fact. Mostly due to the antics of Shkreli, who opened up about the pharamaceutical business like no other before him. And gave us a much more interesting view in how all these companies know how to rip off patients, and hide from it. He wasn’t having any of the latter. Well Wired also published an excerpt of the book, with the most interesting tid bit of sale ever:
Mindful of the fact that only two people in the world had heard the whole thing, we couldn’t risk the buyer listening to the full two hours, then saying no thanks. So we hammered out a skipping scenario where he could listen to ten seconds in the beginning, middle, and end of each track to make sure the audio was all on there.
Did anybody say used car sales tactics?